
How to Make Your Windows 10 Computer Run Fortnite

The struggle royale trend in this generation of video games is quiet alive and well.

Sure, the novelty has worn unsatisfactory for a tidy sum of masses but that hasn't stopped-up Fortnite from being unrivaled of the most popular games of this generation.

It's easy to see why, it's unimprisoned-to-act, and is available on almost every platform outgoing there, even on mobile.

Although, near the great unwashe will belik tell you that PC is the unexceeded experience.

Fortnite isn't the most taxing halt out there.

Because of being a well-optimized game, IT is quite forgiving when it comes to the minimum requirements. (As long as you have a distinct GPU and a decent mainframe, you shouldn't run into any headaches.)

First of all we recommend you to ensure the minimum & recommended Personal computer requirements for Fortnite.

Is it Even so non working for you?

If the game is having issues and isn't running smoothly for you, this guide should aid you out.

Even if the plot is workings fine for you, stay put and reckon if you can squeeze some extra performance unfashionable with these tips and tricks.

#1: Lower In-Game Settings

Your initial order of business should make up making your way to the "Video" section in Settings, and then adjusting the in-game settings as per your needs.

There is a lot of customization available here, simply don't worry we'll quickly paseo you through it all.

Upper-class Presets

Comparable many other games, Fortnite also has different image timber presets you can employ.

If you're playacting at epic settings connected a very old art card, consider dropping down to medium or low.

Of course, this will stymie the image quality a bit, but at least the secret plan will be playable.

Drop the solving

In front you go in and change the resolution, make a point you are playing in fullscreen mode. Playing in windowed mode will posterior your performance quite a bit, arsenic is the case in other games.

Moving on, if you'Re playing at your native resolution, consider falling it down a bit.

(For example, if you'atomic number 75 playing at 1440p, lower it to 1080p.)

Fortnite is a competitive game after all, and framerate matters Sir Thomas More than image select here.

At 1080p or 720, nearly video cards should give you a effective 60fps Oregon above.

3D Resolution and Framerate Limit

We highly recommend you toggle the framerate limit to unlimited.

Fortnite annoyingly automatically toggles this dependent on your Gaming Monitor Refresh Rate and video card.

If you leave it at unlimited, you'll be able to achieve the actual performance your PC puts proscribed.

Lowering the 3D resoluteness is the easiest way to increment performance.

This changes the resolution at which the brave is rendered.

So while your native resolution might be set to 1080p, you can drop the rendered image quality a bit likewise meliorate performance. (Withal, this does have a horrible effect on visuals.)

Other Quick Changes

If the presets aren't giving you the results you postulate, you'll have to pluck more or less things yourself.

Fortnite Video Settings Guide
Fortnite Video Settings Guide

Position Distance: Prospect outdistance represents impacts the distance at which objects are rendered only it doesn't affect the rendering of the players/characters. (Sol information technology doesn't receive a great impact on gameplay if you bout IT up.)
However, if you drop it down a bite, you might glucinium able to spot players from a distance.

Vsync: First off, make sure Vsync is turned forth because we don't want whatever input lag. (Shadows South Korean won't matter too much in a private-enterprise game, so you can turn that off.)

Textures: Lowering the overall texture quality doesn't have an effect on the framerate for a lot of games. The like remains confessedly for Fortnite as well.
(But you still power get an additional frame or two from dropping these downbound to scummy.)

Shadows: High-quality shadows are impressive to look at, even in a competitive lame. (Despite that, if you turn them off totally, you'll see a stellar improvement in performance.)

Anti-Aliasing: Anti-Aliasing removes that jagged lines that light upon your view during the halting.
(This happens when the framerate of your monitoring device can't keep up with the framerates your GPU is putting out. We wouldn't recommend turn this down to a fault much, because the bear on on performance isn't forceful.)

Effects: This is what makes explosions and Eruca vesicaria sativ propulsions await sharp and impressive.
(It has a minor wallop on performance, but if you're struggling you can drop them to low.)

Post Processing: Post-processing is single noticeable when you're in the tempest i.e extraneous the play orbit.
(Turning information technology off doesn't impact visuals that practically, but you'll appreciate the slight performance difference.)

After releas through all of that, you'll want to restart the game.

Hopefully, you'll see some performance gains.

#2: Disable Replays

If you're still reading, then you power not be satisfied yet and deficiency even more operation impossible of your system.

Fountainhead, this conjuring trick should lic on both consoles and PC.

Unless you deficiency to sit there and watch all of your kills and wins, you should consider turning away replays.

Saving every single kill, or level team kills could potentially atomic number 4 a bit exigent for your PC.

Gamers on Reddit states that:

They are facing big FPS drops while playing Fortnite with replay manner enabled. (To to get rid of the stutters, just disable play back mode which is enabled aside default.)

Huge FPS drops while playing with replay mode enabled
Vast FPS drops while playacting with replay mode enabled.

If you want to turn off the replay style:

  1. Cash in one's chips to settings then get across on the gear icon.
  2. Scroll depressed cashbox you find out all the replay options, and routine all of them off then click apply.
  3. Restart the game and revel that extra functioning.

#3: Disable Play down Programs

This isn't selective to just Fortnite.

If you're playing any sort of plot and desire more stability, you should put off apps running in the background.

A lot of apps like Steam, Chrome, Discord, and others mightiness be running in the background even after you close them.

Programs which are using a consuming memory
  1. Press the Ctrl+Shift+Esc keys on your keyboard simultaneously to make for up Task Manager.
  2. From here, take a look at what's hogging all the processing power or memory, and can these programs.
  3. To answer this, to the letter click on the broadcast and click "Oddment Task".

#4: Set Fortnite to Upper Priority In Task Coach

Bury what we said higher up for barely a endorse.

If you are a streamer, or if you're victimisation a recording program for video clips, then you can't invalid all background apps in job manager.

However, if you don't want to close all your programs, you can even so get some extra carrying into action with this simple tip.

You'll want to have the gamy operative for this one. Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc keys simultaneously on your keyboard.

set fortnite high priority
  1. When the Task Manager pops up, find the program labeled atomic number 3 "FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping.exe".
  2. On that point should be two programs with a similar name, we're looking for the one which is using more store.
  3. Right-click thereon, choose set priority and set IT to "shrill" or "supra standard," depending on your use-case.

That's it!

#5: Growth The Size of it Of Virtual Store

Increase The Size Of Virtual Memory

If you don't have a nice amount of Random-access memory in your scheme (We recommend 16GB these days for a newer arrangement), then your execution manifestly North Korean won't constitute up to par.

Withal, there is a way to go around this.

Practical memory compensates for actual physical memory, by transferring data from the physical retentiveness to platter storage.

If you have a good Solidness Drive or SSD, you will benefit more from this as compared to a tralatitious HDD (hard disc drive).

But the amount of virtual storage used is automatically determined aside Windows itself, so you want to go ahead and change that.

Steps to Increase The Size Of Practical Memory

  • Search for advanced system settings in the first menu.
Advanced System Settings
  • Go to the advanced section, and click the settings button under the performance tab.
Advanced Tab
  • Chink Advance, and so clack on change.
Performance Settings
  • Deselect "Automatically manage folio size" option isn't chosen [A].
  • Select your system drive [C], then click on the Impost size option [B].
  • So, set the First and Maximum size for your realistic memory [D].
  • Click on Set, then OK.

Use the advisable size for the initial option set by Windows.

For the maximum option, you'll deficiency to set it to 1.5 multiplication much the physical memory.

E.g., if you have 8 gigabytes of RAM, then put down this to 12GB, no longer than that.

Restart the game to see actual results.

#6: A Agile Tip For Nvidia Users

If you are using matchless Nvidia's GTX Beaver State equal RTX series of art cards, we've got a trick that is privileged to you.

nvidia ultra low latency

On that point International Relations and Security Network't an equivalent choice like this for AMD users, and so if you'atomic number 75 one of them right skip this 1.

To select a Low Rotational latency mode:

  • Right-click on your desktop and open the Nvidia Control Panel.
Nvidia Control Panel
  • One time you're here, click the "manage 3D settings" option in the menu on the left.
  • Dog on Global Settings, then sail down to Low Response time Mode, and set it to Ultra for the best performance.
low latency settings in nvidia

As the name implies, this mode greatly improves reaction time and lowers input.

This manages to make the courageous feel more responsive.

You might not construe with a major difference in the framerate department, but the pun feels a bit better to play.

If you are a beginner then we have also written an in-profoundness point on how to get better at Fortnite.

#7: Delete your Temp Files

In 2021, I always recommend populate to go for to a higher degree 8GB of RAM if they can.

Surely, 8GB is more than enough for Fortnite itself but if you make apps like Chrome and Discord open in the background, operation will take a hit.

If you don't have sufficient remembering, your PC power tend impossible of space to save temporary files patc you're in the game.

For a straightaway supercharge in performance:

  • Press Windows+R keys on your keyboard. (This should lend high the Carry program.)
Windows+R keys
  • Type in "%temp%" and a folder should crop up showing all of your temp files.
temp folder
  • Select all of the files and delete them.
Delete Temp Files

After that, clean relaunch your game and hopefully, the problem should be solved.

#8: Set your Microcomputer to High-Performance Mode

By default, some gaming PCs might embody set to a balanced or power-saving mood.

This sport mechanically lowers performance in favour of of power efficiency.

This is the opposite of what we while gaming, thusly go ahead and change this setting.

  • Open the outset menu and launch the control impanel.
Go to control panel

Click on Hardware and Sound, and then click on Power Options.

Hardware and Sound to Power Options
  • From here, change the power plan to upper performance if it's hardened to equipoise or power-saver mode (which you don't want).

The procedure to change the power plan is different in gaming Laptops!

#9: Update Your Drivers

We know what you'Ra talking, you've probably detected of this solution a thousand multiplication before, and basically for every other unfit in universe just it's serious to overlook an actual tried and unfeigned solution.

Sometimes newer versions of Fortnite can have a lot of bugs, which hinders carrying into action a lot.

On top of that, if you're running older GPU drivers, you won't be maximizing your PC's actualized performance.

If you desire to update your Nvidia or AMD drivers, you do so with their single software, like the Nvidia control board.

However, we recommend doing a cosher reinstall for the drivers to avoid problems in the future.

Steps To Execute A Uncontaminating Driver Induction

For the best results, you'll have to completely pass away any traces of the previous drivers.

We advocate Display Device driver Uninstaller or simply, DDU.

Display Driver Uninstaller

With DDU, you derriere clean all past number one wood installations from your PC for good. You let a few options here, such as "Clean and resume", or "Clean and shutdown" if you want to set u a unprecedented graphics card.

It is also recommended to manipulation DDU in harmless style while uninstalling, and turning polish off Wisconsin-Fi or removing the internet for good measure.

Our Other Template: Best Budget Play Router 2021

This makes sure as shootin that all files for the previous drivers are deleted, and turning off the cyberspace makes sure Windows doesn't automatically set up new ones.

After that, installing new drivers is pretty simple. Meet buy the farm to Nvidia OR AMD's website and find the up-to-the-minute drivers for your video notice, install them and you should be good to croak.

Forever keep your drivers up-to-appointment.

#10: Restart the Windows Explorer

If your getting a stable framerate, but you'ray veneer freezes and crashes, this should be a prompt little trick that will fix that problem.

To resume Windows explorer, follow these stairs.

Restart Task Manager
  1. Press the Ctrl+Shift+Esc keys on your keyboard, which should exposed up the job managing director.
  2. Click on the "more inside information" option soh that you can view entirely of the current open processes.
  3. In the processes list, scroll downcast to find the procedure named "Windows Explorer" which should have a little folder icon next to it.
  4. Right-tick on this, then take restart.
  5. This terminates the in writing user interface and restarts it, which might help in some cases.

After that, relaunch your game, and hopefully, the stuttering and lag issue should be cleared up.

#11: Change Settings in the Game Files

If you are struggling during gameplay and are even willing to give all clarity just to urinate the game run for you, we've got the solution.

However, keep in beware this will make the game look incredibly blurred and sacrifices graphical fidelity.

  • Press Windows+R keys on your keyboard simultaneously, which should open the Run program and case in "%appdata%", which should vulnerable the AppData folder.
  • From here, follow this path: \AppData\Local\FortniteGame\Saved\Config\WindowsClient
  • In that booklet, you'll equal presented with the game files and their included settings.
Appdata of Fortnite
  • Undecided the file called "GameUserSettings.ini".
  • Change the "Resolution size X" value to 800, and set the "Resolution size Y" value to 600.
  • Get along the same for the "Unlikely User Confirmed Result Size" infra these two values.
Resolution settings

As you've probably guessed, this wish drop the resolution quite bit.

And so while your game might glucinium a fuzzy mess, at to the lowest degree you give notice run it.

#12: Adjust Windows For Unsurpassed Performance

If you have a low-end Microcomputer, and then you'll see some improvement with this result.

However, if you have a decent processor, a dear graphics add-in, and an sufficient amount of RAM, you can skip this one.

Stairs to set windows for best performance:

  1. Hospitable the filing cabinet explorer and open This PC.
  2. Right-click inside this Window and click on properties.
  3. Go to high system settings, and open the advanced tab in the windowpane that opens.
  4. Now open the settings nether the Performance tab.
  5. From hither, you want to select the selection labeled to adjust for best performance.
adjust for best performace

This will generate you the unsurpassable performance possible during the game. Although this does switch off animations in Windows, so turn to it connected if you wish to afterward.

If this step does not clear your problem then we have handwritten other guide on optimizing Windows 10 for gaming.

#13: Defragment Your Electronic computer

Atomic number 3 complicated as the title of this tip might sound to some of you, it's pretty simple.

If you've had your PC for a while right away, and harbour't done this before, then this might help with performance a shade number.

Stairs to Defragment drives:

  • In the lead off card, search for a platform named "Defragment and Optimise Drives".
  • From hither, select the primary drive or organization drive for your system. This is usually the C: drive.
  • Click connected optimize, then rent out the program take its meter.
  • This can proceeds a while, and then we recommend doing this when you're not preparation on doing anything important.
optimize drives

Defragmenting the take organizes all the files, so your computer can access it quicker. It besides makes sure that wholly the files are in place, and nothing is missing.

#14: Exploitation Discord? Here's a Quick Tip

Discord power seem like an ingenuous little program that you use for voice chat, but IT hindquarters eat up a sizable quantity of carrying into action.

Still, if you don't want to turn it off completely, there is a workaround to increase performance.

Computer hardware acceleration uses GPU performance to render images or animations in discord, To turn IT off:

  • Go to the user settings page.
  • Open the appearance lozenge.
  • From here, you'll want to Uncheck Hardware Acceleration.
disable hardware acceleration on discord

You force out do this for Chrome too although we recommend turn turned your WWW browser completely for de facto performance gains.

#15: Re-Install Fortnite

If you've had the game installed on your data processor for a patc now, there may be files in the installation folder that aren't of whatsoever employ.

Dream up them arsenic temporary files operating theatre overabundance files.

These files bottom causal agency problems such American Samoa stuttering and lag.

Advantageous they besides resume unwanted space.

Re-installing the gage should fix this problem.

Just exist sure to uninstall the game from the Epic Games Launcher, to fully delete every alive file in.

After that, there's just a issue of redownloading it.

#16: Low On Ram? Use This Tool For Better Stability

The Intelligent Standby List Cleansing agent, or ISLC for short-snouted, is a very useful program.

What it does is information technology clears the memory standby list whenever IT exceeds 1024MB and resultant, the apps in the background won't use more than 1 gig of memory.

So basically you have a higher come of free retention that can be used in Fortnite.

Just download the latest version of the applications programme and set it up.

Once installed, you can run the program and you'll be greeted with a bunch of complicated damage.

intelligent standby list cleaner

Well, most of the complex stuff is to the right, what we need is to the left.

ISLC displays your total system retentivity at the top, and the understudy list and free remembering infra, respectively.

The program is rig by default to legible the standby listing when information technology exceeds 1024 MB and when free memory drops below the 1024 Megabytes threshold.

You can shift these values atomic number 3 needed.

  • Just plough on the start button, and ISLC should start its legerdemain.
  • Understate the computer programme and it will run in the scop.
  • Now fire up Fortnite, and enjoy a stutter-free experience.

NOTE: You'll exclusive see a benefit if you 8GB of RAM or lower.

If you get 16GB of memory operating theatre more, then you probably consume a little of unused RAM in your PC in any case.

#17: Settings Changes for Prizewinning Framerate

We can't exactly guarantee if this one is going to give you an Federal Protective Service boost, but if it is your last resort information technology's still worth a shot.

What you want to do is find the installation folder for the game.

Usually, the path is:

C:\Program Files\Heroic Games\Fortnite\FortniteGame\Binaries\Win64

There should be an executable file present called FortniteClient-Win64-Transportation.exe.

  • Right-click on this file and so pick out properties.
Fortnite Client Properties
  • Suction stop on the compatibility tablet and get through happening "Modify High DPI settings".
Fortnite Client Settings
  • Find the selection called "Reverse High DPI Scaling Doings" and make reliable the box is checked and scroller is on "Application", and then chink along "OK".
Override High DPI Scaling Behavior
  • Go for the Settings and hit "OK" one death time.

Relaunch to the mettlesome to see hopefully see some performance gains.

If you are wondering what this does, information technology disables Windows grading and lets the game handle it on its own.

That's about the gist of it, we could move into-profundity but you're probably just here for the fixes themselves.

#18: Clean Out Scrap Files

As your PC ages, it will finish up collecting a lot of cache and detritus files.

Over clock time, this can accumulate into a considerable amount.

If you seaport't rattling absolved them up before, or haven't done and so in a while, you power suffer from poor performance.

CCleaner to clean out junk files

We recommend the app known as CCleaner to clear ascending any useless junk files and cache.

This doesn't delete whatever important files, it just scans your PC and files completely the extra poppycock and cleans it out.

As the name suggests, it sort of cleans up your PC and does a saintly speculate at it.

#19: Check for Faulty Ironware

We know this isn't exactly a "muddle" in and of itself. But if you think your hardware isn't up to par, or the game just International Relations and Security Network't playable for you on a high-end PC, that might be due to defective ironware.

There are a lot of things to check here, so we'll narrow it down for you.

If you can feed the game, we recommend using MSI Afterburner to reminder GPU and CPU thermals.

This room you can determine if your graphics card or processor is overheating, hence hindering performance.

MSI Afterburner

If you think the fault is in the nontextual matter notice, you might want to stress test it to see if it's working properly.

Use a programme like Unigine Valley or FurMark to stress test the GPU.

Arsenic for the processor, you can use the Prime95 stress test tool to see if there is a problem there.

Fortnite isn't a graphically intensive game, indeed if your high-end PC has trouble with performance, inaccurate hardware might be live here.

#20: Look Out For Malware & Viruses

These last few tips might not have a major impact on the execution itself, but we're just focussing happening people with older PCs with these.

Maintaining your PC is important, and a good deal of people overlook this simple fact.

Especially if you've had your PC for a while.

Over time, you power have downloaded a dish out of sites from dangerous sites.

Viruses and Malware can effort a lot of problems, which bum affect performance during the game.

We recommend using Malwarebytes or Norton for actual security.

Although Windows protector works quite well too.

#21: The Last Resort [Raise]

We'Ra sure that you knew this was advent.

Alas, if you're really troubled with performance or just aren't satisfied with your current results, upgrading is the way to go. If none of the higher up fixes worked for you, then maybe your system isn't powerful enough for you.

We're not saying you sporty go with out and get a brand new gaming Microcomputer. If Fortnite is your only primary game, then you can exactly bring fort away with a nontextual matter card ascent. Right at once in 2021, prices have come down a bit and there is a lot more competition.

Related Guide: Best Gaming Laptops for Fortnite

There has ne'er been a bettor time to build a organisation OR advance than right now. Processors have gotten better, graphics cards are cheaper, and even RAM is more affordable.

So if you want a solid performance make, upgrading is the way to go.

Fillip: The Video Guide

8 Tips to Make Fortnite Running Faster & Better

Video Time Stamps:

  • Tip 1 – 0:28 Television Settings
  • Tip 2 – 3:32 Precedency Setting
  • Tip 3 – 4:53 Windows File Edit
  • Tip 4 – 6:03 Best Performance Option
  • Tip 5 – 6:44 Power Options
  • Tip 6 – 7:24 Cleanup Estimator
  • Tip 7 – 8:39 Defrag Computer
  • Tip 8 – 9:41 Computer Upkeep


We tried to only include fixes that are known to work, there is a good deal more exploring you can do in the files to tweak stuff even more.

But at the end of the day, you South Korean won't be as if by magic seeing trine times the framerate.

Still, we'Re positive that this pass helped you out in one way or another.

Make fortnite run better - Conclusion

How to Make Your Windows 10 Computer Run Fortnite


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